After 15 years directing documentary features and series, Nadine Pequeneza launched HitPlay Productions in Toronto, Canada. In the past seven years, HitPlay’s projects have garnered five Canadian Screen Awards and Nominations, one CSA win, Best Canadian Feature at the Planet in Focus Film Festival and a Silver Gavel Award honourable mention from the American Bar Association. HitPlay’s films are shot around the world and range in subject matter from justice reform to global finance to wildlife conservation. The company’s regular broadcast partners include CBC, TVO, PBS and ARTE – and our films are distributed internationally by Off The Fence, Java Films and ITV Global Studios. HitPlay’s latest release, LAST OF THE RIGHT WHALES (2021), was awarded Best Canadian Feature at Planet in Focus. THE INVISIBLE HEART (2018), a thought-provoking examination of a controversial new financing model for social services, was nominated for the prestigious Donald Brittain Award. 15 TO LIFE: KENNETH’S STORY (2014) about a 15-year-old sentenced to life in prison premiered on the acclaimed PBS series POV and received three Canadian Screen Award nominations, winning Best Writing in a Documentary. HitPlay currently has two documentary features in production AN UNFINISHED JOURNEY and SEEING GREEN – and is set to release its first fiction film 1,047 DAYS (2023)
Nadine Pequeneza