Finding Home
Finding Home is an animated documentary series which tells the personal stories of climate refugees from around the world and attempts to reimagine the notion of ‘home’.
Each episode features the testimony of an actual environmental refugee and uses the power of animation to convey the raw emotion behind these stories of resilience and adaptation by highlighting the life-shattering effects of climate change.
FINDING HOME is an animated documentary series and interactive installation made up of twelve 6-minute episodes. Each episode features the recorded testimony of an actual environmental refugee uprooted from their home and forced to relocate to strange new lands, and uses the power of animation to convey raw emotion and to reveal the life-shattering effects of climate change. The series is a collection of diverse personal stories from around the world that represent the various impacts of climate that force people to flee: ocean level rise, drought, hurricanes, tsunamis and other extreme weather events. The goal of the series is to show the concrete impact of climate change on people’s daily life and the subsequent environmental migration wave we are witnessing. Climate refugees have been forecasted at over 200 million people by 2050.
Maria Stanisheva
DirectorManon Messiant
ProducerFiscal Sponsorship Donations
To make a donation by check in support of this project please write the name of the project on the memo line of check, or on accompanying letter, and be sure to make the check payable to: “Redford Center, Inc.” Checks can be mailed to: The Redford Center, PO Box 29144, San Francisco, CA 94129. To make a donation online using credit card please click on the “Donate” button below. If you would like to make a donation by Wire/ACH from your bank account, please reach out to us directly for instructions at The Redford Center's Tax ID is 46-4549706.